30 June 2010

Bea Szenfeld.


An haute papier collection by the polish designer Bea Szenfeld. She created her “Sur la Plage” collection taking inspiration from female divers in the 1930’s as well as the sea life, mermaids, and fish. Each garment is made of paper and by hand!
No machinery or laser-cutting were used in the collection, it is absolutely amazing!
If yu are interested in reading more about this creation of art you can follow this link: http://miriamskafferep.blogspot.com/2010/04/sur-la-plage-igar-var-jag-josefin-och.html.



morning beauty
back in the days


28 June 2010

Dreaming about the beach with..

Today I'm not in a mood to write, the only thing I want to do is to lie down on the sand and relax. I'm tired of this town full of chaos.
The beach is the right place where vanity will never leave us and when we start talking and wondering about the perfect bathing suit, the answer lies in our favorite Brazilian brands like Rosa Cha or Cia Maritima, worn by celebs and models with sexy bodies and tan. I choose this two gorgeous pieces from R.C. and to complete the whole outfit I added my top fav shoes and bag from Rachel Comey and Pharrell's Moncler black jacket, the "pacifist version of the bulletproof vest", just in case if you accidentally get cold or someone is trying to shoot you haha ;)

Super "W"

Rachel Comey

P.W. x Moncler.

25 June 2010

Memorable Song.

Freja x Tom Ford.

Freja Beha Erichsen and the actor Nicholas Hoult For Tom Ford sunglasses ad fall 2011.
I wanted to post only one of Freja's picture, because I'm impressed of the creative direction..

Acne Resort 2011.

Definitely in love!

24 June 2010


Like many people in the world, I also become a victim of the spoiled charm of the Italian country, its culture, food, landscapes, fashion of course, but not the Italians as a people and their way of thinking! All this of course is the result of my stay in Rome for almost 4 years, for which were blamed my mother and my father:) I feel that a big part of my heart stayed there, at the Fontana di Trevi, between the thousands of coins thrown from people with some sort of violent wish to return to the eternal city for one last romantic experience, and to eat their favorite ice cream with a taste of Cassata Siciliana, a hot piece of pizza Bianca or a short coffee which is drunk in a sip. They want to return one last time to catch a glimpse of these fascinating men with dark skin, curly hair, RayBan glasses, blue Armani shirt and mysterious smile or for the ladies with messy blond hair, freckles from tanning, gold necklaces, riding their bikes around the streets with boutiques and all their valuables packed in a huge transparent Fendi bag.
I love this whole picture and that's why I repeatedly return to see them again and again, that's why I talk their language and for my greatest regret I have to work with them here in Bulgaria hahah.
Enough with my descriptions, I found an interesting article about the typical elements of the street style clothing of the Italians and I decided to share them..on the pictures below is me in Milan last summer.

Here are 10 tips on how to capture that Italian street style. The Italians have it all. Gorgeous countryside, scrumptious food and stunning men and women abound in that country. One other thing they're know for? Fashion. After all, Milan, Italy is one of the fashion capitals of the world. But fashion in Italy isn't simply found on its runways. The country's street style is always on point.


  1. Patterned Blazer Street style is all about standing out. This is why a patterned blazer will stand out in a sea of solid colors. A checkered pattern is perfect for this style.
  2. Newsboy Cap Accessories are the key to completing any outfit. Hats are one of the perfect accessories for this feature. A newsboy cap is a classic style, but many will work. Just avoid the baseball cap at all costs!
  3. Scarf Another key accessory is the scarf. It combines fashion with functionality and looks great with almost every outfit.
  4. Loafers Dress shoes will class up almost any outfit. The Italians wear loafers without socks for a cool, spring and summer look.
  5. Tailored Suit No man’s style is complete without a well-made, tailored suit. This does not exclude street style either because this look is frequently seen on the streets of Italy.
  6. Colored Separates While a suit is always a fashionable option, another look seen on the streets of Italy are colored separates. Some color combinations include a navy blazer with orange slacks or navy with beige.
  7. Pocket Square This may seem like an unnoticeable accessory, but it is the little things that count. A brightly colored pocket square will look great with a dark suit.
  8. Sweaters Italians seem to favor wearing sweaters in a particular way: under their blazers and over a crisp button down.
  9. Leather Briefcase The leather briefcase is a fantastic alternative for men who shy away from the man purse trend. In addition, it is a look that will never go out of style.
  10. Bike One thing that Italian men are rarely seen without on the streets of Italy are their bikes. That seems to be the one universal accessory and it looks great with literally any outfit.

Convivio 2010. Панаир на суетата и благотворителността.

Дали заради намалените наполовина цени или подтикнати от идеята за благотворителност, още с отварянето на Convivio, посетителите вече се редяха на опашки пред щандовете в Панаирната палата на Милано. Преди 20 години Джани Версаче и Националната асоциация за борба със СПИН (НАБСПИН) решават да организират благотворителна разпродажба. Дизайнерът привлича за благородната си инициатива най-важните имена в италианската мода и от самото начало събитието добива силна популярност. "Convivio е от изключителна важност за нас, да провеждаме изследвания, обучения и превенция срещу СПИН в Италия и в някои развиващи се страни", споделя Мауро Морони, президент на НАБСПИН за Ломбардия.

Марките даряват на асоциацията свои дрехи, аксесоари и предмети на изкуството. Тя от своя страна организира и управлява целия процес, влючително и продажбата. Цените на изложените стоки са намалени наполовина и всички приходи отиват за НАБСПИН . Тази година над 100 фирми се включиха в благотворителната кауза, която продължи 5 дни. Още на входа усмихнати доброволци подканваха хората да не щадят кредитните си карти. Посетителите имаха точно такова намерение. Това показваше виещата се опашка още пред първия щанд, този на Гучи. И мъже и жени не се притесняваха да почакат, въпреки че марката предлагаше само чанти. Версаче от своя страна бяха по-щедри в даренията си. Те продаваха аксесоари, дрехи и обувки от последната лятна колекция, както и артикули за дома. Армани също е любима марка на италианците и те не останаха разочаровани от асортимента на мъжки и дамски облекла. Парадоксално, най-голяма тълпа се събра пред щанда с най-малко предлагани стоки, този на Шанел. От там не можеше да се купи нищо друго освен козметика, очила, 3 модела дамски фланелки и бейзболна топка с логото на френската марка. Валентино и Фере останаха верни на високия си клас и предоставиха няколко модела елегантни, вечерни рокли в модерните за сезона червено и бяло и в класическо черно, разбира се с 50% намаление. Докато от Валентино се бяха погрижили да предоставят и подходящи за роклите обувки, Фере допълваха асортимента си с ефектни сака и шалове и облекла за деца, които се радваха на особен успех. Най-интересно се оказа обаче пространството отредено на винтиджа. Беше направено така сякаш човек пазарува от музей на история на модата. Дрехите бяха подредени по цветове, а на стената до всеки щендер закачени снимки изобразяващи коe на кого е принадлежалo. Сандра Бълок, Мадона, Камерън Диаз и Бийонсе са само малка част от многобройните звезди оставили по нещо свое. Рокля на Ева Херцигова, модел на Кавали, струваше 1000 евро, а на Мадона от премиерата на филма "Револвер", 2000 евро. Известните дизайнери пък бяха дарили облекла от историческите си архиви. Прекрасна вечерна рокля на Гучи, предоставена от творческия директор на марката Фрида Джанини, можеше да се закупи за 150 евро.

Панаирът не се фокусираше единствено върху модата. Частни галерии, художници и дизайнери предоставиха свои произведения. Освен картини, се предлагаха интересни мебели, нощни лампи и различни предмети за дома.

Всяка покупка трябваше да се слага в раздадени на входа червени пликове, а на специално разграфените места доброволците записваха вида на стоката и нейната цена. Заплащането ставаше на каси на изхода, а касовата бележка беше доказателство къде точно отиват парите – директно в Националната асоциация за борба със СПИН.

На официалното откриване, ден преди отворянето на вратите за посетители, по традиция присъстваха само дизайнерите и лица от света на изкуството и бизнеса. Събитието включваше гала вечеря, като маса за 10 човека се заплащаше 3500 евро, и възможност за пазаруване по щандовете. Само от тази вечер са събрани 800 000 евро.

В специално подготвен амбулаторен център, хората имаха възможност безплатно да се изледват за СПИН само чрез слюнчен секрет. Резултатите се получаваха само след 10 минути. В центъра доктори, медицински сестри и психолози, гарантираха коректността на процедурите и пълно спазване на правилата за провеждане на тестове.

т е к с т: Силвия Кьосева за Capital.bg

21 June 2010

Star Wars & Fashion

"Star Wars & Fashion” is an illustration project by artist John Woo from Hong-Kong, mixing Star Wars characters as Dark Vador or Boba Fett with a fashion show.

Freak! :)

20 June 2010

London Dress Code in the 80's by Beefeater.

After the great success of the first two editions of Beefeater London dress code from the 60's and the 70's (in which I participated with a photoshoot in the popular magazine VICE for the 60's and then I took part in the show for the 70's), the time also came for the third edition of the party - fashion show, sponosored by Beefeater jin. This time I think that everybody that came to see the show were amazed about the whole organization, the place, the music and...everything!

The make-up was really cool and well done by the team of Proface.

I could not miss to show you some pictures from the backstage with all the accessories and the gorgeous shoes that we wore.

The collection was absolutely beautiful, colorful, made from great fabrics, well chosen and it represents in a special way, how the celebrities and young boys and girls used to dress in the 80's. The whole story from the point of view of the students from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, led by Iva Shatz.
People like parties! People like to dress up! And when you combine the two, what do we have? A memorable theme party! The 80's was a GREAT decade known for its opulence and overall "feel good" vibe. I'm sure all the guests have thrown caution to the wind, and have had an incredibly memorable night!

Men wore different styles of clothing in the 80's than they wore in decades before. Gone were the styles from the disco era and in were looks that were never seen before. Many of the styles knew no limits, like The pirate.

I had three outfits from three different designers (all girls), they are all wearable, confortable, feminine and they bring a lot of young spirit and a special desire of having fun.

Fashion’s full-on ’80s revival and our walk on the runway would not be complete without the Scottish punk icon Pam Hogg. The musician and self-taught fashion designer helped us to make a great show playing all the music hits from the mid ’80s.
I really can not forget the famous stylist of celebrities like Lady Gaga, and mention the past London fashion week, where the queen of metallic catsuits staged her comeback with a high-octane show that featured Daisy Lowe and Alice Dellal on the runway and Gareth Pugh and Siouxsie were in the front row.

Like all the street photographers do after a fashion show in Paris, Milan, London or New York, I took some cool pictures of some of the guests of the Beefeater show, with the specific aim to show their street style and mood and I think that you can see a lot of interesting personalities out there :)

After the end of the show, a lot of cool and young boys and girls went on the runway and start dancing on their favourite beats from the 80's.
After that, we all went to the afterparty that was in the famous club Culture Beat in Sofia, where we continued enjoying Pam's music.

18 June 2010

Diana Dondoe, Mark Gonzales & Ari Marcopoulos

To anyone who knows anything about skateboarding Mark Gonzales needs no introduction. To those who don't know, The Gonz is a legend, a fearless and anarchic exponent of a style of street skateboarding probably best described as insane.
Artist Mark Gonzales and photographer Ari Marcopoulos are featured together in an exhibiton, with the subject surrounding model Diana Dondoe, the angle is defined by Ari Marcopoulos’ unique imagery and the distinctive work of Mark Gonzalez. What will be a feature in the upcoming issue of HoBO magazine.
/via slamxhype,hypebeast/

16 June 2010

Bonnaroo 2010.

It turns out that when it comes to rock festivals, the coolest street style can be seen in the crowd, exactly when you are tryin' to find a better place to sit and to see your favorite performer. I am a number one fan of this kind of music social events - a whole week of music, dancing, friends, drinks and much fun - the right place to express your imagination about your own outfit without risking to receive any negative comments about it.
/i m a g e s:style.com/

the King :)

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